Therapeutic Services

The centre emphasizes a holistic approach to child care and the emotional wellness and development of every child.

Reunification Services

Services are rendered to the child based on an individual developmental plan ensuring that holistic services are provided according to the child’s specific needs. Part of the plan is to try and strengthen the biological family’s bonds with the child, in the attempt to reunify the child with his family in the community. Regular visits are facilitated between the family and the child so as to re-establish the relationship and the bond of the family.

Families are encouraged to visit their children per prior arrangement or to make telephonic contact to ensure the child keeps contact with his/her family and relatives. Regular review panels are also held at the centre with the child, family and social worker where the child’s individual developmental plan and care plan are evaluated and adjusted.

Transport to and from families, food parcels and parenting support are provided to families to ensure contact and regular visits. The reunification programme is based on the principle that every child deserves to be part of a family in a community.


Some of our children are in need of intensive emotional and psychological support. We are committed to accommodate our children by utilising our therapeutic team’s skills to assess the problems and develop plans addressing the concerns. Regular counselling, play therapy and life skills support services are rendered to our children. We further utilise the state health care system, as well as the private sector to arrange interventions by psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and physiotherapists.


Our toddlers attend Haas Das Educare Centre and our children attend 11 different schools in our immediate community and are transported to their various schools by our centre on a daily basis. Children are placed in schools according to language, ability and special needs. We make transport available to ensure that the learners are given opportunity to participate in sport and recreational events at the schools, as well as extra mural activities.

Regular psychological assessments are conducted to ensure the correct placement of learners in relevant schools. The children receive structured study time and tutoring support on a daily basis. We have specific study times in the cottages where the child and youth care workers assist the children to do homework, school assignments and learn for tests and exams.

Many of our children have learning challenges and attend special needs schools in the Nelson Mandela Metropole.

Developmental Programmes & Recreation

We aim to accommodate each developmental stage of children through the availability of various developmental programmes and recreation. Children are encouraged to participate in various developmental programmes and recreation e.g. dancing, EP.’s got talent, Bingo evenings, sport, drama, crafts, reading, structured play, free play and stimulation through using board games and related activities.

Children are exposed to community service opportunities to encourage a culture of giving. One such an event is the Ironman event where our children are part of the support team to encouraging the Ironman 4 the kidz participants.


In order for our children to develop into well rounded people, they must also be given the opportunity to grow spiritually. We have good relationships with various church groups in the community and children attend church services on a regular basis. Children are also exposed to praise and worship events and other outreach programmes presented by church youth leaders and volunteers. Child and youth care workers are encourage to read Bible stories to the smaller children and allow older children to have quiet time before going to bed.

How we make a difference

Developing, empowering, restoring and reuniting displaced children and youth to function purposely as well adjusted and productive citizens within their communities.



