by Cheryl-ann Sawyer | 2 Nov, 2020 | Latest News
Barbara and friends undertook a bedding project after the need was identified in the beginning of 2020. The ladies provided bedding, towels and toiletries to 6 of our cottages and also visited our centre. They assisted by making the beds and putting a personal touch...
by Cheryl-ann Sawyer | 2 Nov, 2020 | Latest News
Biggs Plumbers joined our team earlier in 2020 after a tekkie drive was promoted on our Facebook page. So far Biggs Plumbers has donated a total of 31 pairs of new tekkies to our children – something that can be taken for granted is such a special gift to our...
by Cheryl-ann Sawyer | 2 Nov, 2020 | Latest News
“The friends of the EP Children’s Homes” consists of a number of ladies supporting our centre in their private capacities on a monthly basis since 2020. During the last 6 months they have collected and donated winter pajamas, toiletries, shoes, sporting equipment and...
by Cheryl-ann Sawyer | 2 Nov, 2020 | Latest News
EPC&YCC was chosen as a beneficiary by Defy for the 2020 Mandela day 67 minutes project. A total of 20 pairs of new school shoes were donated by Mr. Robert Rustenberg. This projects enabled 20 of our children to wear brand new school shoes and feel even more proud...